Uploading a saved program to a mix on QS 6.2

Alesis Quadrasynth, Quadrasynth Plus and S4 Sound Module

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ericcroll United States of America
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Uploading a saved program to a mix on QS 6.2

Post by ericcroll »

QS 6.2

Is there any way to designate an existing saved program as one to be used in the creation of a new mix? It seems to me as though this definitely SHOULD be something that CAN be done, as opposed to always having to create each program in a mix from scratch. It would save so much time.

I acquired this keyboard in a trade almost 20 years ago, and have used it on a limited basis in my studio for basic sounds with much success, but I have recently started playing keys in a band, and am now learning the ins and outs of creating performance mixes.

So far, things have been going fairly well, with the exception being this one hiccup that is driving me nuts. I feel like I am missing something simple, but I've tried everything I can think of.

FYI... I generally save to a PCM SRAM card, ever since my RAM got fried due to water damage from a fire, but I was never able to figure out how to do this before that incident either, so I don't really think that it is relevant, but I figured I'd throw it out there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Saul Ukraine
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Re: Uploading a saved program to a mix on QS 6.2

Post by Saul »

You may find that you will get an answer quicker over on my other forum as that receives a lot more traffic than this one. We have a section there for the Alesis Fusion although not one covering the QS specifically. Still worth asking though. Check it out here:

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