This is what I have in my older Fusion, and it worked without a hitch, with a simple 40 to 44 pin hard drive adapter, but i have the 64gb version. ... BMyJrF1_pk
This is what a I just purchased, with the white shell casing-I checked our posts about these first, and seeing this looks identical-thought it would be fine, and it isn't.
Opened it up-after formatting it with Fat 32, NTFS, ExFat-the fusion refused to recognize it. Saw it, but would not format it. After several tries i gave up. This is what I found. Like another brand I purchased last year that did not work-for the same reason-i traced its ID number inside directly from the IC board and sure enough, this is an mSATA plug-in board inside, it is apparently not a true PATA design.
Why some of these that look identical work, and some don't? I noticed the market is flooded with the white case versions, and the other supposed "Kingspec" which is labelled as a "Yantsen" are not so prevalent. Knowing the inconsistency of Chinese manufacturing-they have a history of flooding the market with counterfeit thumb drives, SD cards etc.-I shouldn't be surprised they are perhaps now putting these cheaper mSATA modules in these cases. I'm sending it back, and now not too sure I will be able to get a real PATA SSD anymore, unless i try for another ""Yantsen". i never bothered checking inside mu original, because I had no need. it formatted flawlessly, and I am using the identical adapter, so....
if Facebook gets my password straightened out (another endless foobar), I will post this info there too at the Fusion user group, as it looks like a more than one user there is having trouble with these same drives-and now I'm wondering if this may be the problem