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Jokeyman123 United States of America
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Post by Jokeyman123 »

This is what I have in my older Fusion, and it worked without a hitch, with a simple 40 to 44 pin hard drive adapter, but i have the 64gb version. ... BMyJrF1_pk

This is what a I just purchased, with the white shell casing-I checked our posts about these first, and seeing this looks identical-thought it would be fine, and it isn't.

Opened it up-after formatting it with Fat 32, NTFS, ExFat-the fusion refused to recognize it. Saw it, but would not format it. After several tries i gave up. This is what I found. Like another brand I purchased last year that did not work-for the same reason-i traced its ID number inside directly from the IC board and sure enough, this is an mSATA plug-in board inside, it is apparently not a true PATA design.

Why some of these that look identical work, and some don't? I noticed the market is flooded with the white case versions, and the other supposed "Kingspec" which is labelled as a "Yantsen" are not so prevalent. Knowing the inconsistency of Chinese manufacturing-they have a history of flooding the market with counterfeit thumb drives, SD cards etc.-I shouldn't be surprised they are perhaps now putting these cheaper mSATA modules in these cases. I'm sending it back, and now not too sure I will be able to get a real PATA SSD anymore, unless i try for another ""Yantsen". i never bothered checking inside mu original, because I had no need. it formatted flawlessly, and I am using the identical adapter, so....

if Facebook gets my password straightened out (another endless foobar), I will post this info there too at the Fusion user group, as it looks like a more than one user there is having trouble with these same drives-and now I'm wondering if this may be the problem
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Jokeyman123 United States of America
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Re: Kingspecs-again again and final

Post by Jokeyman123 »

The end of the mystery...and for everyone who has is discovering these SSD drives-get the Yantsen SSD, the brand that is working in my one 8HD.

How do I know this....I found one computer retro geek on Youtube (no insult intended) who demonstrated this particular drive, took it apart and examined it as I've done with the white plastic case "Kingspec". and it definitely NOT THE SAME INSIDE.

The Yantsen has a true ATA controller chip in it, with matching Intel chips for memory (buffer I imagine). It is also faster than the Kingspec when on the right ATA bus-he demonstrated this on an old large but powerful Mac desktop computer he connected with the appropriate adapter.

So this explains why some of you may be having trouble getting your kingspec SSD to format-it won't ever-unless you find some magical adapter card that translates these mSATA drives to true PATA. I have never seen an adapter that works, if your drive is an SATA, or in this case, a disguised PATA that is really an mSATA. remember, its cheaper to do this. An mSATA card costs a few dollars. You can buy these all day or eBay and Amazon to retrofit some laptops that used these to add additional solid state memory-but as a drive, not as a memory chip.

If you wish to check this-open your drive (6 tiny screws hold the cover). If you see a mini-bus card slotted into the mainboard, this is an mSATA module. the Yantsen has no such plug-in separate board inside attached to the mainboard. It is one integrated board, period.

It is possible some of the white case Kingspecs also have this true ATA integrated circuit board inside, but both the one I just bought, and anther brand I tried last year did not, and did not format in the Fusions. Hope this helps, I'll post this on Facebook's Fusion group too.
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