Late to the party...

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mrz80 United States of America
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by mrz80 »

Jokeyman123 wrote: Thu Dec 14, 2023 1:07 pm There is one ribbon cable-I had the same problem-if not tucked in tight exactly where it originally must have been-will hit the wheel (s) and cause a problem. I had to take mine apart again to adjust this,twice-it will slip back in the wrong place even if it looks OK unless you fasten i the ribbon cable tight away from the wheels-not much real estate inside there.
I'll get the thing pulled back apart in a couple weeks. It's got almost as many screws to undo as my QS8.1! Tedious. :D I'm distracted at the moment; my daughter bought me a Nanosynth for Christmas. :mrgreen: Looking for some good stuff to load in the user bank. I've got a few pad presets I want to harvest off the QS8.1. Gotta get this ancient editor program going under WINE.
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by mrz80 »

Took it apart again and got the cables rerouted away from the pitch bend wheel. I ordered some fancy knurled aluminum knobs for the volume control and encoders. Still need a pair of knobs for the sliders. I've tried various varieties from Amazon and Parts Express; no joy. Other than that, tho, it's up and running and sounds cool. Maybe some day I'll try "de-aging" the yellowed keys.
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by Jokeyman123 »

Looks very good. I had trouble getting replacement for the sliders-vendors selling only 1 charge ridiculous money-the problem is that the top of the slide pot arms are sunken in and need a type of knob i have not found. I used 2 slide knobs from an SY85 I found at some parts supplier for older keyboards, Pacparts, Keyboard Kountry or some similar vendor-not a real good fit as the mounting sockets are not really deep enough, but do fit.
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by Jesse »

Sounds like a job for a 3D printer :)

What would you use to de-yellow the keys, some bleach and a Q-tip?
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by Jokeyman123 »

There are procedures outlined online. The best I found-I bought a peroxide "gel" not a liquid-a type used for bleaching hair (decided against that I like my gray). A q-tip worked since one has to be very careful not to get this inside the mechanicals of course.

The important part of this that worked-the gel must stay reasonably gel-like-doesn't work too well if it dries too quickly. I left my projects outside in direct sunlight-bright sunlight. I noticed a difference in one day like this, but did have to leave the objects out for at least 6-8 hours + to notice a difference. I guess one could use bright indoor lighting although I think the sun is better since not all artificial light has the the ultraviolet rays needed to really get this to work. I've had success with smaller "chicklet" type keys on a few Roland older VS multitracks and an MC-505. Large keyboards will be a challenge-might want to try 1-2 keys first to see if it works. I definitely would not use ordinary liquid bleach for obvious reasons-and i think the peroxide formulas for hair might be a stronger concentration and a little goes along way-and only your hairdresser will know for sure :D (sorry an old commercial). I used a 12% professional formulation, 40V means 12%. Here....
peroxide bottle.JPG
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by Jesse »

Maybe a real black light would work :)

Hydrogen peroxide is good for cleaning corroded electrical contacts.
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by mrz80 »

I finally solved the slider knob conundrum. After going thru a couple sets of knobs from Amazon and finding nothing to suit, I hit on a set of Alesis Strike Module knobs off eBay.

They didn't quite fit either, but it was just a few minutes' carving with a utility knife 'til I had their undersides tapered enough to fit the slots on the red trim piece.
So, apart from maybe bleaching the yellow keys someday, I can call this project done.
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by Jesse »

Nice work :)
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by Jokeyman123 »

Certainly an improvement, like the metal knobs.
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Re: Late to the party...

Post by mrz80 »

Well, hasta la byebye... just sold it to finance a QS6.1 I have coming in. :)
Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!
In the collection: QS8.1, Micron, NanoSynth, 2x SR-16s, a 3630 of BadGear fame, M-EQ230, 2x RA-100 amps
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