Piano voice-stealing, pops and clicks (solution)

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Piano voice-stealing, pops and clicks (solution)

Post by hadley »

I have been reading through the psionic stuff, klaus's book of fusion secrets, and the alliance hd source code, and suddenly a solution came to me for an issue that has always bothered me about the fusion pianos.

That issue is voice stealing. Nobody seems to complain much about it here, but for me the piano sounds were all unplayable because I like to use a lot of sustain together with repeated strikes especially with the left hand, typically in some syncopated rhythm. but on the default piano patches, striking the same key that is already playing steals the voice immediately. It soumds particularly awful when the second strike is softer than the first, because the first strike just dies immediately.

the official solution is to set the envelope overlap release to 'none' (see hollowsun 01 patch 'electric grand' for an example)

But then there is a new problem - pops and clicks unless your reduce the patch's polyphony from 'dynamic' to a lower value. You can hear the clicks on that hollowsound patch if you just hold sustain for a long time, play a hundred notes or so, then let up the sustain pedal.

Too bad the highest polyphony setting after 'dynamic' is just 16. Even my qs8 has 64 polyphony with the piano.

My best workaround in the past was to use a mix and split the keyboard into several ranges each with 16 polyphony. It works.

But the alliance hd code shows that the polyphony setting takes a byte, therefore it could in theory be more than 16. The fusion interface won't accept a higher value, but with a hex editor I could try 17 and it worked fine.

So after a bit of testing I have afp files for holy grail piano with 32, 48, and 64 voices. Beautiful voice stealing and no clicks.

Is there a repository somewhere forthese files?

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Re: Piano voice-stealing, pops and clicks (solution)

Post by Jesse »

Yes on the Fusion drop box or you can send them to me and I will post them in the Fusion drop box and try to add them here depending on the file size :)
Thanks for the information and time taken to find it.
I will send you a link to the Fusion Drop box, it seems you are already using drop box for the Alesis Fusion
Also you can compress the files to a zip or rar file and upload them here :)
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Re: Piano voice-stealing, pops and clicks (solution)

Post by hadley »

After some testing I found that with 64 Voices, I could still make it click, but rarely.

I have made modified Holy Grail programs with 32, 48, 56, 60, and 64 voices.

I've tried to attach them as a .zip to this post. I will also add the programs to the Fusion DropBox.
(6.15 KiB) Downloaded 478 times
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Re: Piano voice-stealing, pops and clicks (solution)

Post by Jesse »

Thanks hadley, I downloaded the file and will check out your modified HG piano programs this weekend :)
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Jokeyman123 United States of America
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Re: Piano voice-stealing, pops and clicks (solution)

Post by Jokeyman123 »

This is an old post, but I would be interested to see what hadley was up to here, although I never noticed this problem, amybe I just don't play as many notes as Hadley did. I downloaded this little .zip file, but it doesn't work-it does not decompress. also seems very small for a piano .afp, even without the samples/multisamples.

Never mind, I managed to decompress it-but with errors, only 4Kb, smaller than the original. I'll try it anyway, this is for 32 voices.
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