Replacement battery for Alesis Fusion

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Re: Replacement battery for Alesis Fusion

Post by Jesse »

I agree I have been thinking about doing that as well with an external battery holder, although once the battery is replaced I will probably be dead before another battery is needed
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Re: Replacement battery for Alesis Fusion

Post by Jokeyman123 »

You better not be...who will moderate this group???? I'm bringing my Fusion into the nursing home when I go. And maybe a few other keyboards-my guitars, drums and mixing boards-maybe some clothes...and a toothbrush.....and this lamp :dance:
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Re: Replacement battery for Alesis Fusion

Post by Jesse »

A toothbrush would be more helpful than a sawtooth :)

JD, how are you going to fit all of that in a10x12 room?
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Re: Replacement battery for Alesis Fusion

Post by Jokeyman123 »

I do it saw that picture of my "studio". Just not my acoustic kit-I'll have to put that in the "family gathering" room-where they show reruns of Gomer Pyle, USMC, Mash, Leave It to Beaver and...wait thats' in my family room, not the nursing home! Hmmm...not much different.....yikes!!! :whistle:
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Re: Replacement battery for Alesis Fusion

Post by Jesse »

A good way to prolong the battery life is to turn the Fusion clock off if you won't be using it for a few months, then when you crank it up again you will need to set the time and date, however my Fusion is a little over 18 years old and I have never turned the clock off. The last time I checked the battery voltage it had dropped a little, but it is still working :)
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Re: Replacement battery for Alesis Fusion

Post by Jokeyman123 »

Zombie post-so far neither of my fusions need a replacement battery-like someone else mentioned here-my SY77 is how many years old, and no dead battery yet. And oddly, my old DTXii Yamaha drum module has a battery holder, and again, the attery is still wathc what happens, as soon as i post this, all these batteries will croak to spite me!! i see one difficulty in replacing the battery-and i have also had experience cutting these btteries out of equipment to add sockets-it looks likes this battery's bottom terminal is covered by the battery itself? Easy enough to clip off the top terminal, but looking at one of my spare mainboards, the bottom terminal is well covered by the battery and there is only one very small solder point underneath the mainboard. The only way I can see detaching that bottom terminal-there is a very tiny space between the battery bottom and the mainboard. enough space to only get a very tin blade of some type-ideally an X-acto type blade or better a blade like that with a fine serrated, sawlike design. I don't have one and i would need to be cvery careful not to damage this bottom solder point, which looks pretty easy to do! and if this a dual-layer board-will that bottom solder point need to make contact with both the bottom and top of the board? I can't tell unless I take the battery out. and as others have already posted, I don't think disconnecting the battery should have any adverse effects. i am wondering out loud though, if this timing/clock circuit might have anything to do with keeping all the CPU's in sync. I don't think so, but I'd like to be sure before I do anything. If this board is designed like a computer motherboard, the CPU's might have a different way of staying in sync, but I don't see any other timing/clock crystals on this board.
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Jesse United States of America
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Re: Replacement battery for Alesis Fusion

Post by Jesse »

My old Epson QX-10 had a crystal to regulate the Z80 CPU speed, when I replaced the Z80 with a faster Z80 and faster memory chips I had to change the crystal to a different frequency, the crystal provided the timing speed.
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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