Fusion midi clock with audio files

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Jokeyman123 United States of America
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Fusion midi clock with audio files

Post by Jokeyman123 »

This is just a verfication-I recently recorded 2 audio tracks to the Fusion from an external drum machine/sound module, and used the midi clock to sync the Fusion with the drum machine, in order to add additional midi tracks with the Fusion sequencer to the existing audio tracks-and it works quite well. I tried in both directions-first using the Fusion as the clock out, then the other as clock out-switching the master/slave configuations just as a test basically. Both directions worked well, and I was able to add midi tracks in perfect sync with my existing audio tracks. I'm sure others have done this successfully too, but thought I might add, even with this older 8HD, the audio/midi sync with OS 1.24 update-no problems. Certainly adds a new dimension to this already powerful Fusion.
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parametric Great Britain
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Re: Fusion midi clock with audio files

Post by parametric »

It's good to confirm it works either way . . . :handgestures-thumbup:

just need to remember that once you have Audio recorded - the Tempo is effectively FIXED . . . .

If you alter it - the tracks will no longer be in sync. The Fusion cannot s t r e t c h or shrink Audio to suit 8)

Alesis Fusions 8SSD + 2x 6SSD/384Mb/120Gb SSD/Yamaha SY85/8.5Mb/1024kb/Yamaha MOXF6/1024Mb Flash/Akai ADVANCE61/NI Komplete11 Ultimate/Roland MT32/Bachmann double overstrung Baby Grand Piano/Win10 Pro/Ubuntu Mate 15.04/M-Audio MicroTrack

Some of My own Tracks: https://yamahamusicians.com/forum/viewt ... 899#p88899

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2ManyKeys United States of America
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Re: Fusion midi clock with audio files

Post by 2ManyKeys »

I know this post is old but it's worth adding context.

The Fusion handles MIDI CLOCK sync well when it's receiving external MIDI CLOCK. I know of no issues with clock RX.

It handles being the MIDI clock master seemingly as well UNTIL the volume of MIDI data exercises a logic bug in the Fusion code that causes a total loss of sync. The Fusion has to be power-cycled to return to normal operation once this happens. I think the sync code runs out of space to insert a clock message and just goes nuts. I imagine the code looks something like this. :D

if (open_stream_slot)
log_error("err: no slot for CLOCK"); // this should never happen

It can be triggered by high-density controller data like pitchbend or aftertouch on the Fusion or even by playing a very dense MIDI sequence.

In a multi-device setup, I recommend disabling MIDI CLOCK TX on the Fusion and allowing some other piece of gear (drum machine, etc.) to act as master clock source.

If you're just using the Fusion by itself, disable MIDI CLOCK TX and you'll have no issues.

Here's more info.

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