service manual

Moderators: Jesse, parametric

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Jokeyman123 United States of America
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service manual

Post by Jokeyman123 »

I just found this post in the Facebook user's group. ... 798334139/

Did not think this was supposed to be available to the public? Maybe it doesn't matter anymore? I am never too happy with Facebook for security/privacy reasons, but I guess a necessary evil. Apparently there are many new Fusion owners who like me, are relatively new and amazed this instrument even exists.

I keep trying to direct users there with tech questions here to avoid reinventing the wheel. Apparently many of these Facebook droogies have no idea this group exists, although I see parametric is there now. Good thing!
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parametric Great Britain
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Re: service manual

Post by parametric »

Yeah . . .

I only noticed the group recently and decided to join . . . I thought it best to consolidate interested parties . . . .

I never ever made the SM available publicly in open forum, but would send it privately if reasonably requested . . . .

There are plenty of caveats regarding it's use in the actual document - so I guess, provided users heed those

responsibly, I see no problem with it's availability.

I DO believe we MUST be able to maintain the longevity of our instruments by whatever means we have available,

and whilst the Service Manual is short of some vital info - there is still much of interest in it.

The unimplemented eSata port, the missing midi data format and list of error codes and their meaning,

I'm sure will continue to bamboozle new users, as they "discover" the shortfalls . . . .

Most all of what we collectively know is within these Forums somewhere . . . :think:

The recent reports of InMusic "dumping" remaining stocks of Fusion Spares to make space for "newer" Legacy spares

tends to suggest that Alesis (in the guise of InMusic) have no further interest in the Fusion (sadly) as is indeed

bourne out by their current product portfolio. Synthesisers are old news . . . ?

At least, that's my take on it . . .

(sigh) :(

Alesis Fusions 8SSD + 2x 6SSD/384Mb/120Gb SSD/Yamaha SY85/8.5Mb/1024kb/Yamaha MOXF6/1024Mb Flash/Akai ADVANCE61/NI Komplete11 Ultimate/Roland MT32/Bachmann double overstrung Baby Grand Piano/Win10 Pro/Ubuntu Mate 15.04/M-Audio MicroTrack

Some of My own Tracks: ... 899#p88899
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Jesse United States of America
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Re: service manual

Post by Jesse »

Alesis Fusion Service Manual online ... 64957.html
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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