Chicken Systems Update

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Chicken Systems Update

Post by Jesse »

Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Re: Chicken Systems Update

Post by parametric »

NO mention of having fixed the <AutoSampler> feature in TP (and therefore probably in Fusion Creator also?)

So I guess it remains broken . . .
Alesis Fusions 8SSD + 2x 6SSD/384Mb/120Gb SSD/Yamaha SY85/8.5Mb/1024kb/Yamaha MOXF6/1024Mb Flash/Akai ADVANCE61/NI Komplete11 Ultimate/Roland MT32/Bachmann double overstrung Baby Grand Piano/Win10 Pro/Ubuntu Mate 15.04/M-Audio MicroTrack

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Re: Chicken Systems Update

Post by Jokeyman123 »

Coincidentally i had just looked over this 7.1-but I am reluctant to spend on a product that so many of you seem to have had much trouble with. Converter is such a simple program-but even that doesn't always transfer my soundfonts to the Fusion properly-I often get a message "does not recognize this file" even though I am using the same specs as soundfonts that do translate over, and haven;t been able to figure out what is wrong-so I am not completely sold on a full Translator-i have an old version i've used with my now gone TS-12 for floppies and sample conversions which did seem to work pretty well once I finagled with it a bit. but it is running under windows XP SP III on an old Thinkpad P4 with ASPI installed.
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Re: Chicken Systems Update

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Has anyone found any auto sampler program that works well? I know they get pretty darn expensive, but sometimes I fell like it would be worth it.

As to Chicken Sys autosampler....I really wish there was a nice up-to-date- video tutorial on it and how to sample something more expressive than a simple synth bas sound. Something like a digital piano to get the sounds ready for the fusion. I have wanted to sample my Yamaha CP300 for ever since I got my 8hd, to have the "Grand Piano 1" on my fusion.

The little bit that i could get sounded great, but Im not sure how to do it properly and with multiple velocities
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Re: Chicken Systems Update

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Yeah, it's VERY frustrating. I have both Fusion Creator and Translator Pro 7 - and the <AutoSampler> doesn't work in either . . which was my

main reason for buying them . . . .

I've filed numerous bug reports and they never come to anything.

Another annoyance is that it requires WASAPI rather than ASIO (like all my other stuff uses).

I managed to find a WASPI2ASIO driver for WIN10 64 Pro that worked - but the <AutoSampler> STILL wouldn't work . . . .

. . . . set for 64 voices, it kept sampling voice 1 over and over again :x

Sampling entire Banks IS going to take HOURS - so I'd rather NOT have to stand over it . . . hence why I'm interested in AutoSampling . . :think:

I'm now considering SampleRobot, which purports to autosample, by incrementing the presets via midi (which the CS SW failed to do).

You can decide the number notes per octave AND the number of velocities - so that all seems good . . . .

The usual problem exists with demo videos though - I have NOT found ONE that shows SR actually incrementing the preset on the Synth

being sampled. The excuse is that it takes too long in a video - nevertheless it would be NICE to know it DOES work as described . . .

SampleRobot IS quite expensive - for the Pro one, but if it does what it claims - I'd be happy.(finally)

it does NOT sadly output natively to the Fusion. I've not asked the question, but, in a way - I doubt they are likely to do this after all this time.

It DOES O/P to NI, which suites me fine, OR, it can O/P to Soundfont - (Then maybe use Translator to make for the Fusion?)

I'll probably wait until Christmas and see if there's a special offer on it at that time . . . .

Alesis Fusions 8SSD + 2x 6SSD/384Mb/120Gb SSD/Yamaha SY85/8.5Mb/1024kb/Yamaha MOXF6/1024Mb Flash/Akai ADVANCE61/NI Komplete11 Ultimate/Roland MT32/Bachmann double overstrung Baby Grand Piano/Win10 Pro/Ubuntu Mate 15.04/M-Audio MicroTrack

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Re: Chicken Systems Update

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Sample Robot is a passable program, but although I have it, I don't use it. I recently summarized a short tutorial on sampling as a PDF, I think it's also available for download in another post. This guide will help with your first attempts at creating your own multisamples for the Fusion. Once you've got some down this way, you can move on to complex stuff like piano with velocity switch.
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Re: Chicken Systems Update

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Step by step guide to sample a keyboard? ... 199#p35199


I contacted Garth again today about one of the autosampler problems Chris was having
"Briefly: Sampling just TWO <performances> from my Yamaha SY85" ... he said he would look into it
... maybe we will get a fix for it other than a work around.

I also invited Garth to check the good programming discussions going on here lately :)
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Re: Chicken Systems Update

Post by parametric »

Thanks Jesse . . . .

It would be nice to get some use out of Fusion Creator OR Translator Pro.

Alesis Fusions 8SSD + 2x 6SSD/384Mb/120Gb SSD/Yamaha SY85/8.5Mb/1024kb/Yamaha MOXF6/1024Mb Flash/Akai ADVANCE61/NI Komplete11 Ultimate/Roland MT32/Bachmann double overstrung Baby Grand Piano/Win10 Pro/Ubuntu Mate 15.04/M-Audio MicroTrack

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Jesse United States of America
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Re: Chicken Systems Update

Post by Jesse »

Chicken Systems Update
News - November 18th, 2021

Tech TalkEXS24 II / DecentSampler

Two new software samplers we'll be supporting are the Apple EXS24 III and DecentSampler.

If you haven't heard of EXS24 III, don't worry, we just "made it up" - it's just what we call "Sampler" within Logic 10. "Sampler" is simply an improved EXS24 and they renamed it. Unfortunately, Ableton already has a sampler called "Sampler" and this is just really confusing. So we call "Sampler" EXS24 III. Forgive us.

DecentSampler is a Free plug-in and is quite impressive. Translator 7.1 will fully support this sampler. For more info, see

Selling StuffKeyboard Sales

We have some samplers and synthesizers being sold from our modest collection of instruments. We are selling them ourselves and not via eBay or Reverb (yet). This helps you and us - you don't pay taxes, and we don't pay fees. Interested? Go to the new Musical Instruments Area to see what we have for sale.

Hang On GuysMan hanging

Very soon - VERY SOON - we are releasing Translator 7.1 (and SamplerTools 2.1). It WILL BE a free update for all Translator 7.0 and SamplerTools 2.0 owners. Unfortunately, more than enough persons misread that earlier statement and ordered the regular Upgrade To Translator 7 again when they didn't need to. (We had to credit about 20 customers.)

So please understand this is a FREE UPDATE for 7.0 and 2.0 owners, and the app's themselves will tell you when it's available and allow you to download it. We'll also announce it publicly through all the common channels (stereo, not mono).

SCSI2SD Out of Stock NoticeSCSI2SD Cancel

This world has been turned upside down by the global pandemic that is/was COVID. Currently there are shortages of commodities - including semiconductors. Ironically this has affected automobile manufacturing (!) but it is also affecting our beloved SCSI2SD.

Currently both the SCSI2SD v5.5 Plug-In Drive and the SCSI2SD v6.0 (Internal and External) have been affected as they are out of stock until perhaps mid/late-December.

The good news is that the SCSI2SD v5.2 Internal and External has survived this shortage and are on the shelves and ready to go. The v5.2 is actually preferred for most proprietary format samplers anyway and has 7 ID's like the v6.0. And, the Chicken RaSCSI Drive has plenty of stock on the shelves too - at a lower price than SCSI2SD!

If you want to wait for new stock of SCSI2SD v5.5 and/or SCSI2SD v6.0, please contact Cheryl Ann at to be put on the Priority List, so that when they do come in, you will be contacted immediately and have one reserved in your name.


Upon working on the v7.1 update, we revised some of our MPC code and we were reminded how ENDURING the MPC is. Designed way back in 1985, it has lots of playback features that were way ahead of it's time. But not just that, the MPC has sold well and had ENDURING appeal for over 25 years. During the 1990's, when samplers started dipping in sales, the MPC continued to sell better than it ever did.

Starting with the MPC60, then the ENDURING MPC3000, then the modern hardware MPC2000 - then going solid MPC1000 series. The HUGE MPC4000 offshoot (basically an Akai Z-Series in a drum casing) blew everyone away, innovating USB and workstation prowess. Then, the MPC5000 was a outside-the-box unit, which was basically a Alesis Fusion in a drum machine design. The MPC5000 also innovated using a Chromatic paradigm alongside the historic Pad paradigm, making pitched instruments far easier to work with.

Akai MPC-XAnd, at long last, the MPC was the one hardware piece to make the complete, successful transition to the software world, starting with the MPC-Renaissance and now the current MPC-X.

STILL: try buying a Akai MPC3000 - minimum THREE GRAND. Wow! And, there have been many 3rd-party operating systems for various MPC's, along with many front-and-side panel modifications.

Every innovative product over the last 35 years has come and gone, but only the MPC has been ENDURING in a way that is quite amazing. One can't imagine how many tracks has the MPC's mark on it. Wow, just wow. The Akai MPC alone defines ENDURING.

Chicken Systems products support all MPC versions - from the MPC60, to the MPC1000, even the MPC4000, all the way to the current MPC-X superstar.

We're here to help! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us at, or call 800-877-6377 or 320-235-9798 to speak with an engineer. We can even do a Remote Session with you. We'd be happy to talk with you and answer your questions and help in any way possible.

33 Years In Business

© Copyright 2021 Chicken Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

4024 Williford Way, Spring Hill, TN 37174-6221 USA;

800-877-6377, 320-235-9798 - fax 320-235-9798

Chicken Systems, Inc. | 4024 Williford Way | Spring Hill, TN 37174-6221
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Jesse United States of America
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Re: Chicken Systems Update

Post by Jesse »

Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Jesse United States of America
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Re: Chicken Systems Update

Post by Jesse »

ChickenSys Updates Coming by the end of this summer, I hope so :)
ChickenSys Updates Coming
ChickenSys Updates Coming
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Jesse United States of America
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Re: Chicken Systems Update

Post by Jesse »

Creator - Plan for 2024
mc 600x600a
Fresh from NAMM, as a company we set up tentative plans for some serious upgrades on the Creator series: Korg, Motif/Montage/MODX, Fantom, Fusion, and Kurzweil. In focus are the editors, plus expanded support for newer models.

It should be recognized that newer models have never been a priority, since they usually load in older files (e.g. Motif XF into MODX, or KRZ into K27000). Regardless, since there have been numerous requests to load such files in, and since it's time for full support, so we are putting them in.

Additional features planned are advanced mapping functions, more sample editing features, and stronger rearrangement functions.
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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