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tincho_890 Argentina
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Post by tincho_890 »

Hello friends, here I show you the solution I found to replace the power supply of my Alesis Fusion 6HD, the supply overheated and ended up burning.

Alesis Fusion uses the same voltages as a PC 12V+ 3.3V 5V and -16V (from my understanding the -16V is to power the display inverter, but with the -12V from a PC supply it works fine)

What I used was a mini PC power supply that works at 12V (160w) and a 12V 60W supply to power it (Fusion consumes 50W, therefore the 60W supply was enough for me, it is also a small internal supply that with some effort I was able to screw it into two of the original fountain mounts.

Here I leave the links of the components that I used.

Mini PC 12V power supply.

Power supply 220V to 19V 60W

Adapter cable (this cable is plugged into the power supply of the mini PC and once the voltages have been identified, all the cables must be joined as I am going to explain below.

IMPORTANT: For it to work you have to join all the power cables to the keyboard cables, that is, all the power masses with all the ground cables that went to the original power supply, at this moment I don't remember well but there are 5 lines of 12V+ that went to the original power supply, you have to join all those cables with the 3 lines of 12V+ of the power supply of the PC.

I have been using the keyboard almost every day for almost a month, it works excellent, it does not get hot, and if any component fails it is a matter of buying another and replacing it, if the power supply of the mini PC fails it is a matter of replacing it and it is very simple How to remove the defective one and put another one, the same with the power supply that provides the 12V anyway I don't think it fails.

I leave a video on Google Drive.

Later I am going to install an SSD in addition to changing the screen for one with LED technology.

Now we just need someone to be able to decompile the operstovo system to get even more out of this excellent keyboard that has nothing to envy to the latest Korg, Yamaha, Kurzweil or Roland keyboards.

Sorry for my low level of English. Greetings from Argentina.
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Jokeyman123 United States of America
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So-thank you for posting. You are able to tap 3.3V, 5V and 12V from this supply? Aliexpress doesn't list the output voltages for that unit. Does the 12V power unit generate any heat, does it have any kind of heatsinks? I can't tell from the pictures on Aliexpress. Finally-a good way to make a power supply for the Fusion. And the LCD screen, seems just as bright running 12v as it does from 16V. Very nice!

One other very important question-did you manage to fit all of this inside the fusion? The wiring harnesses look to be a bit of a challenge to fit inside along with the power supply and voltage divider.

If you can give me a little more information, i will order these parts, build one and try it out on one of my Fusions.
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Post by tincho_890 »

Jokeyman123 wrote: Tue Sep 05, 2023 4:35 am So-thank you for posting. You are able to tap 3.3V, 5V and 12V from this supply? Aliexpress doesn't list the output voltages for that unit. Does the 12V power unit generate any heat, does it have any kind of heatsinks? I can't tell from the pictures on Aliexpress. Finally-a good way to make a power supply for the Fusion. And the LCD screen, seems just as bright running 12v as it does from 16V. Very nice!

One other very important question-did you manage to fit all of this inside the fusion? The wiring harnesses look to be a bit of a challenge to fit inside along with the power supply and voltage divider.
Hello, thanks for your comment, the mini pc power supply provides the same voltages as a standard pc power supply (12V+, 12V-, 3.3V and 5V), it only varies in size and in the fact that you need be powered by an external 12V power supply. (hence its small size)
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Jesse United States of America
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Sounds good, I have been looking at those also and thinking that all of the power supply components could be place in a small box outside of the Fusion using a PC connector installed in the Fusion thus eliminating heat from the power supply, I mentioned this some place else awhile back, but can't find the post it would just be a matter of connecting the wires from an old non working Fusion power supply to a mating AT/ATX power supply connector :)

A small 150 0r 200 watt PC power supply could be used in this way with the power supply being outside of the Fusion :)
The Fusion would only pull what power it needs from the power supply and you would not need a AC to DC adapter.

It looks like the Fusion can work with an ATX PC power supply. You only need the -16V for the original display, but if you replace with this one ... /31003+OP/# you do not need the -16V anymore, -12V could do the trick in place of the -16V also.
Last edited by Jesse on Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Anybody have an old non working Fusion PSU they can send to me, I'll use it to make up an AT/ATX power supply adapter cable.
I won't need the PSU, just clip the wires off at the PSU and mail them to me
PM me :)

Thanks, Jesse
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Post by Jokeyman123 »

oops, Jesse I just clicked on the link for the alternate LCD screen, I've waned to get one for awhile, seems the page "cannot be displayed". I am ordering these parts from Aliexpress-I will see what I can do with these. I was also thinking with his parts and design-it might be better to build this PSU, put it into a portable enclosure-similar to a dedicated desktop computer PSU and make some kind of external connector instead of the standard 3-prong AC power jack used by the Fusions, if i can't fit this into the Fusion. I'm also about ready to ship my busted mainboards to this repair company and see what they can do with them.
tincho_890 Argentina
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Post by tincho_890 »

Jesse wrote: Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:40 pm Sounds good, I have been looking at those also and thinking that all of the power supply components could be place in a small box outside of the Fusion using a PC connector installed in the Fusion thus eliminating heat from the power supply, I mentioned this some place else awhile back, but can't find the post it would just be a matter of connecting the wires from an old non working Fusion power supply to a mating AT/ATX power supply connector :)

A small 150 0r 200 watt PC power supply could be used in this way with the power supply being outside of the Fusion :)
The Fusion would only pull what power it needs from the power supply and you would not need a AC to DC adapter.

It looks like the Fusion can work with an ATX PC powers upply. You only need the -16V for the original display, but if you replace with this one ... /31003+OP/# you do not need the -16V anymore, -12V could do the trick in place of the -16V also.
Thanks for your comment, regarding the -16V, as can be seen in the video, they are not necessary, in fact the inverter and the screen itself heat up less and that extends its useful life.

Regarding the use of an external source, I did it for more than two years, in fact I uploaded this video to the Alesis Fusion Facebook group.

My problem with that was that to move the keyboard I had to move the keyboard itself and the external power supply, in the end I had put a 5-pin connector to be able to disconnect the external power supply, but it was still uncomfortable, with the Lastly, not only was I able to remove the external power supply, but I also solved the heating problems, plus I didn't have to drill holes or modify the keyboard case and the most important thing is that it is very cheap, each one is free. to solve the power supply problem as you see fit, for me the definitive solution is the one I initially explained in the post.
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Post by Jesse »

Thanks for your time and contribution, any viable alternative that will work as a solution to the Lack of Alesis Fusion PSU's is Good :)

24Pin ATX Switch Pico PSU 160 watt ... K870&psc=1
Output ATX: 160W Output Current +12V: 8A Output Current +5V: 8A
Output Current -12V: 0.1A Output Current +3.3V: 8A Output Current +5VSB: 1.5A
Power Efficiency: > = 92% Operating temperature: 0c~40c
Input voltage: +12V/DC(11.4-12.6V) Input Current: Max. 17A

24pin DC ATX PSU 12V DC Input 150 watt ... AY7P&psc=1
AC 100V-240VAC to DC 12V 10A 120W Power Supply Adapter Converter
AC 100V-240VAC to DC 12V 10A 120W Power Supply Adapter Converter
12VDC Power Supplies

AC 100-240V to DC 12V 10A Power Supply Adapter Converter ... oboards-20

AC 100V-240VAC to DC 12V 10A 120W Power Supply Adapter Converter ... oboards-20
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Post by Jokeyman123 »

Surprisingly, inside my recently acquired and restored Korg M3 a power supply pretty much identical to the one jesse has posted links to-a typical laptop power supply design complete with the enclosure, just strapped in with a clamp!

Here is the PSU inside the Korg M3-notice how simple this. The 12V barrel connector plugs straight into a secondary IC board assembly-apparently a voltage divider. this design seems similar to what tincho has described and posted for the Fusion.

I have ordered all the parts from Aliexpress and will build and test this based on tincho's plan. I don't need a spare, but it will be good to have an alternate supply.

Also notice to the left lower part of this pic-that is a 2GB SD card, the maximum size the M3 can read and is it's boot drive-is somewhat equivalent(in function) to the Fusion's hard drive. Not much room to store additional sounds, songs and other data. Once again showing IMO a rather superior design in the Fusion, although the M3 does allow external drives accessible directly through the USB ports, which has one up on the Fusion as these can be CD/RW's, outboard hard drives etc.
korg m3 power supply internlal pic.jpg
korg m3 power supply internlal pic.jpg (126.23 KiB) Viewed 1489 times
tincho_890 Argentina
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Post by tincho_890 »

Jokeyman123 wrote: Fri Sep 08, 2023 4:43 pm Surprisingly, inside my recently acquired and restored Korg M3 a power supply pretty much identical to the one jesse has posted links to-a typical laptop power supply design complete with the enclosure, just strapped in with a clamp!

Here is the PSU inside the Korg M3-notice how simple this. The 12V barrel connector plugs straight into a secondary IC board assembly-apparently a voltage divider. this design seems similar to what tincho has described and posted for the Fusion.

I have ordered all the parts from Aliexpress and will build and test this based on tincho's plan. I don't need a spare, but it will be good to have an alternate supply.

Also notice to the left lower part of this pic-that is a 2GB SD card, the maximum size the M3 can read and is it's boot drive-is somewhat equivalent(in function) to the Fusion's hard drive. Not much room to store additional sounds, songs and other data. Once again showing IMO a rather superior design in the Fusion, although the M3 does allow external drives accessible directly through the USB ports, which has one up on the Fusion as these can be CD/RW's, outboard hard drives etc.
Hello Jokeyman123, now that you mention it I remember the power supply of the Korg M3, it is a power supply for notebooks, the power supply is inside its plastic casing which in turn is inside the casing of the M3 and even then it doesn't it doesn't give off heat or have temperature problems, the 12V 60W power supply that I placed inside my Alesis Fusion is smaller and has holes for it to cool, it also receives fresh air from the fan, I honestly don't see the need to place an external source let alone having to modify the keyboard casing, I am in favor of having everything original at least aesthetically, but everyone has their preferences.
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Post by Jokeyman123 »

Right-I will be trying to fit this supply completely inside. If I manage it, I will take out the original supply and keep that as a spare, and leave your newly designed one in its place-yes a vented supply will be better than the closed design in the M3. thanks again for posting this.
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Jesse United States of America
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Post by Jesse »

Mini-Box picoPSU-80 80 watt Output 12 Volt Input DC-DC Power Supply on Amazon - $30 ... rp_crs_5_t

Last bumped by Jesse on Thu Jan 30, 2025 1:07 pm.
Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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