JMD's Fusion Drumkit Builder

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Jokeyman123 United States of America
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JMD's Fusion Drumkit Builder

Post by Jokeyman123 »

For the life of me, I cannot get this program to work. I understand how it is supposed to work, importing wav samples, etc. but every time I click on "Build" I get the cryptic message "destination folder already exist" including the grammar which reads exactly like that. I know JMD has probably not been here for an age, but if anyone has gotten this to work, let me know. His other program-the bank maker program has a tool for making drumkits also, which I have partially gotten to work. it creates a necessary .afp (program) file for a drumkit and the samples as .afi's. Haven't sorted that out completely yet either but that might be me as the bank maker drumkit program only creates an afp and set of afi samples, it does not create the necessary folders and volume structure needed to get the Fusion to read the new drumkit-I am doing that manually in Windows. and if I use Fusion converter to directly convert my drum wav samples to the Fusion-it makes a complete mish-mash of it, even I set the Converter settings to map as a drumkit, not a multi-sample. I set Converter to map to each separate key per sample as one would for a drumkit-and it still breaks the wavfiles into separate kits-with only 3-4 sounds in each kit instead creating one kit with all my samples, I have no idea why. This is not the way I have the settings arranged. any help will be appreciated, I have a set of Ludwig custom drum samples, would be nice if i could create a kit with these. It's my acoustic kit.

studying this some more-could it be my Windows 7 machines? I know JMD originally created this for Windows XP, and compatibility with Windows old and new is a constant problem, depending upon what one wants to do and i am trying this with both 32 and 64-bit Windows 7 OS.
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