Attention techs-what a shame!

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Jokeyman123 United States of America
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Attention techs-what a shame!

Post by Jokeyman123 »

There is an A6 Andromeda on eBay right now, 11 hours to go in the US-apparently not repairable due to no replacement parts for the pot controller board-if anyone has sources for Andromeda parts-you might want to look at this and read the description. what a shame, a full-blown Andromeda non-working-like owning a Ferrari, Jaguar, Bentley or McLaren-but no motor (might still be nice anyway!)
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parametric Great Britain
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Re: Attention techs-what a shame!

Post by parametric »

Couldn't find that one Joe, but there was this one (if you have a fat wallet) ... SwLTdhp7QC

<Other Items> DON'T include any Fusions - but one might wonder if they have that elusive Service Key?

Given what they do for a living - perhaps they have one . . . . ? :pray:

Alesis Fusions 8SSD + 2x 6SSD/384Mb/120Gb SSD/Yamaha SY85/8.5Mb/1024kb/Yamaha MOXF6/1024Mb Flash/Akai ADVANCE61/NI Komplete11 Ultimate/Roland MT32/Bachmann double overstrung Baby Grand Piano/Win10 Pro/Ubuntu Mate 15.04/M-Audio MicroTrack

Some of My own Tracks: ... 899#p88899
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Jesse United States of America
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Re: Attention techs-what a shame!

Post by Jesse »

Tempus Drums, Roto Toms, Djembe, Bongo's, Ibanez Bass,(3) Fusion8HD, (2) SUMO300 Amps, Alesis16 Firewire Mixer, AKG D112, Behringer B2, Shure Beta 58a Microphones, Windows 10, Audigy Soundcard, Audition 3, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, Kontakt 6 & East West Goliath Sound Banks and a small fridge full of cold drinks :)
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Re: Attention techs-what a shame!

Post by Jokeyman123 »

Couldn't find it because-it sold in the US ebay auction for 947.00. And Chris, I will get in touch with this synth facility, see if they have any idea about 1) the elusive Fusion "key" part-and even better-if they might be able to examine and repair my 2 partially functioning mainboards. Definitely would send these, even if overseas might be worth it. My original mainboard did not exhibit the serial number warning screen, only the ones I got from InMusic.
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parametric Great Britain
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Re: Attention techs-what a shame!

Post by parametric »

Obviously it would be best for you if that Synth facility could repair your boards as they are at least "local" . . .

Else, there's nothing to lose asking Brian at sector101. If you KNOW what needs replacing, be as descriptive as possible . .

There is a contact email for enquiries on his site . . . . just search <sector101> and you'll find it . . .

He was very quick with my little job . . . .

Alesis Fusions 8SSD + 2x 6SSD/384Mb/120Gb SSD/Yamaha SY85/8.5Mb/1024kb/Yamaha MOXF6/1024Mb Flash/Akai ADVANCE61/NI Komplete11 Ultimate/Roland MT32/Bachmann double overstrung Baby Grand Piano/Win10 Pro/Ubuntu Mate 15.04/M-Audio MicroTrack

Some of My own Tracks: ... 899#p88899
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