after wrestling with 2 Fusion restores, a similar Micron and a Miniak, I have completed the magic triangle-a somewhat broken Ion. I overpaid for it on reverb, ($350, i got the deal down from $399) but cosmetically it looks pretty sound, but will need the output FET fix, a look at the mod and pitch wheels (probably fine) and a few replacement pots-or hopefully just a cleaning.
One would think I would have learned my lesson by now...some people just don't know when to cry "uncle"! I recently fired up the Miniak, the Poly D with a few saved sequences, the Fusion and-my trusty XW-P1 for some real musical mayhem, like being in a clock factory at 12 noon. I left out the RM1X and SY77. I really need to cut down-no I guess I won't.
Looking inside, this one is almost frighteningly simple compared to a Fusion, but then I haven't broken out my toolbox and soldering station yet. I was intrigued by the hands-on controls-also the possibility of getting better at understanding modulations routes with this one, might be a bit easier to understand-or maybe not. Then I can apply what I learn to the Fusion. I also like the 49-key span which makes a difference to my playing style compared to the Miniak/Micron 37 key. I understand some players have replaced this key assembly with a TP-9 Fatar for a better action. Of course, how hard is it to midi these to my Fusion and use a full 88 key-let's face it, I am like so many others a unrecovering gear/tech junky, sigh.