After struggling with a replacement mainboard for one of my Fusion 8HD's, which ended up having the "Update serial number" warning screen, which I had never been able to fix, even with help here and extensive inquiries the last few years-this board came from InMusic-I managed thanks to Keyboard Kountry to salvage another mainboard from an obviously cannabalized Fusion, for much less than the foobared InMusic board. Despite taking a chance I'd end up with the same problem-it has worked perfectly, no serial number foobar
Here is the odd observation-and I've got good eyes despite years of staring into computer and keyboard screens. My Fusion LCD screen-which has always been ok, suddenly is brighter and easier to read-slightly better contrast too. I can only deduce-the other mainboard-which probably sat dormant in a warehouse somewhere for years-was not operating up to spec-various components must have deteriorated ever so slightly-possibly creating more electronic resistance overall-and preventing the screen from receiving full power.
I never measured with a scope or multimeter to test and have no other explanation as to how the LCD suddenly appeared noticeably brighter after installing this other used mainboard. So-even if you don't use your Fusion anymore, at least keep it powered on occasionally so if you decide to sell it, or remove it from the mothball fleet. It will likely be in better condition than if left for the mice to get it. And the TP40 Fatar key assemblies hold up well- constructed my own custom 88-key controller with my old 8HD TP40 key assembly after I swapped it with an even older TP-20 which is now in this heavily repaired 8HD, and both are working well. Good for technique to have a consistent action across 3 88-key Fatar boards. the TP20 and 40 are pretty much identical with response and weight of keys.
Definitely worth the struggle keeping this older 8HD fully functioning. Also just finished a huge project-compiled every sound program, all my compositions all on one huge volume, backed up on computers, and installed on both 8HD's-have a full identical set of programs/multi/samples including many converted soundfonts-in both 8HD's. This includes every program jesse has been kind enough to archive and make available to us-MovinPro, Klaus Schulze, all the Hollow Sun programs, many user posted programs-thank you Lipi and others. Only took about three days worth, and am temporarily somewhat cross-eyed-I hope temporarily. The amazing thing, the entire volume is only taking up around 5GB of total data on my SSD which includes around 80+ compositions of varying lengths and completion. Amazing, but I am a pretty old-school so might be getting too easily impressed by all this tech. Old is new.
Take that, Roland, Yamaha Korg, dexibell, Nord, Kurzweil etc!!!! ha-ha-ha-ha!!!! I will soon be blowing out my meager allotment of cloudspace on Soundcloud. I intend to post some of my Fusion works as soon as I get out of this straight-jacket.....a few rounds of golf in the snow might be nice too....