It's been a good bit since I posted. I was fiddling with my Fusions today and they are working great. Still, the nagging specter of limited RTC battery life remains.
Has anybody experienced a dead RTC battery? I'm wondering what happens.
The graceful way for the system to handle it would be that the Fusion simply forces you to set the clock every time it boots.
Who knows what will really happen though.
Some synths, like the SY/TG77,behave very badly with a dead battery. Those machines are hard to boot even after you replace the battery! A big difference though is machines like that rely on SRAM, that is backed by the battery, maintaining the whole system configuration. So they boot up with indeterminate garbage in memory once the SRAM power falls below a threshold and the CPU runs off into the weeds trying to interpret the nonsense configuration.
The Fusion does not have any SRAM banks that I know of as everything is loaded into DRAM when the system starts. For this reason I think it will simply be inconvenient when the battery dies but again who really knows.
I'm not losing sleep over it. Still, one of the last things I want to do is open up my Fusions again. Great machines to use but a nightmare to disassemble.
