Hidden sounds beyond P8?

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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by hadley »

Jesse wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:10 pm I would advise you to backup your Fusion Hard Drive before Editing everything on the Fusion Hard Drive :)
Good advice but I have so many Fusion hard drive backups over the last couple of decades... I really need to write that librarian so I can figure out how to re-merge them all.
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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by parametric »

I totally agree.

We do really need something that we can have confidence in. The Fusion's filing system is totally unforgiving of "getting it wrong"

and then you are left with a nightmare to sort out.

We should actually rejoice that the Fusion is so OPEN as to allow virtually limitless capacity for sound Banks when other "Flagships" have very

real limitations - particularly those that don't sport Hard Disks.

No one really wants to go the route of a re-format and start over - especially if you have a sizeable collection of Banks installed.

Then there's the copious note-taking to re-establish any <Songs> you have made - re-finding those programs you used . . . .

You DID make notes before you reformatted - didn't you? :o :o

I've thought more than once about "starting over" - but the amount of work/time involved scares me.

Alesis Fusions 8SSD + 2x 6SSD/384Mb/120Gb SSD/Yamaha SY85/8.5Mb/1024kb/Yamaha MOXF6/1024Mb Flash/Akai ADVANCE61/NI Komplete11 Ultimate/Roland MT32/Bachmann double overstrung Baby Grand Piano/Win10 Pro/Ubuntu Mate 15.04/M-Audio MicroTrack

Some of My own Tracks: https://yamahamusicians.com/forum/viewt ... 899#p88899

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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by Jokeyman123 »

Hadley-I looked over Bash and rsync-these are command line tools for Linux, correct? Or for the MAC? Not quite the librarian many of us have hoped for. I can work a command line with terminal for Linux, but wouldn't get very far without alot more studying since the Fusion follows the Windows folder/file structure. I have never heard of anyone connecting the Fusion to a Linux or Mac-based machine with the only connection it has-the USB port. I can guess its do-able, but I don't think anyone has ever bothered to develop a Linux USB driver for the Fusion or if the MAC needs one or not.

I have also studied the Alliance project-I know most of the standard CC messages are there (thanks to Psionic's work) and work for external control-just not the sysex messages needed for program editing-but I've never thrown random sysex at the Fusion-because if it responds in an unexpected way-could foobar the Fusion completely. so even a user-accessible software front-end for controlling some aspects of the Fusion externally with its CC messages would be nice. sure wish Steve was still here!

I don't know of anyone who has been able to interface a DAW with 'autodetect" to see what the fusion will respond to with a DAW. And I think autodetect with for example Sonar, Protools or whatever software can do this-might be needing a sysex 'string'-or an instrument's hardware ID just to get into the Fusion-this is just a guess and as parametric has already verified-again-sysex was never switched "on", or developed at all for the Fusion, ouch.
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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by parametric »

Jokeyman123 wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:25 pm I don't know of anyone who has been able to interface a DAW with 'autodetect" to see what the fusion will respond to with a DAW. And I think autodetect with for example Sonar, Protools or whatever software can do this-might be needing a sysex 'string'-or an instrument's hardware ID just to get into the Fusion-this is just a guess and as parametric has already verified-again-sysex was never switched "on", or developed at all for the Fusion, ouch.
I think I've mentioned before in here that I HAVE created a .reabank file for Reaper.

By default, Reaper comes with a GM .reabank file, which can be loaded and complies with the GM order of instrments . . .

My .reabank file covers the ROM content of the as received Fusion, about 960 programs arranged in the Banks we are all familiar with.

Beyond these, each Fusion will vary as Banks are randomly added, so the ORDER of the additions will require a .reabank file matching

that order. So, if you wish to work this way, then you can make a .reabank file to match your Fusion . . . .

Whether there is an instrument ID dormant in the Fusion is unknown?

I suppose it's a casualty of the sysex NOT being switched on?

I don't know enough about sysex to know if the ID is part of that instruction set - or independent of it . . . . ?

I thought it was part of the midi implementation . . .???

If you DO install the Fusion .reabank file in Reaper, then Reaper WILL have a dropdown of the Fusion's Programs -

and the programs can be selected in Reaper and the Fusion will select them via midi.

I uploaded the Fusion .reabank file to the Reaper-Stash - where you can download it.

In all likelihood, you can hack that file to suite other DAWs. (I used opensource notepad++ to do mine).

Alesis Fusions 8SSD + 2x 6SSD/384Mb/120Gb SSD/Yamaha SY85/8.5Mb/1024kb/Yamaha MOXF6/1024Mb Flash/Akai ADVANCE61/NI Komplete11 Ultimate/Roland MT32/Bachmann double overstrung Baby Grand Piano/Win10 Pro/Ubuntu Mate 15.04/M-Audio MicroTrack

Some of My own Tracks: https://yamahamusicians.com/forum/viewt ... 899#p88899

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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by hadley »

Jokeyman123 wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:25 pm. I have never heard of anyone connecting the Fusion to a Linux or Mac-based machine with the only connection it has-the USB port. I can guess its do-able, but I don't think anyone has ever bothered to develop a Linux USB driver for the Fusion or if the MAC needs one or not.
There is no special driver required. The Fusion is a standard USB Mass Storage device. You can even plug it into your phone, and edit the Fusion filesystem from there.
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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by Jokeyman123 »

Chris-I have your reabank file-yes it works well, this must have been a alot of work, and one of the reasons I still think the fusion sysex can somehow be opened, at least for development, and even though Taiho says it would be a huge endeavor (sigh).

And Hadley. I did not think the fusion's USB port could be connected successfully with Android or Linux. Have you connected your Fusion to Linux without a specific driver for it (I know android devices must be "OTG" capable, I have few )? This might offer a new possibility since Linux development, like Python is open source. Have you transferred data in and out of the Fusion through Android or Linux? I discovered that withy a MAC-Mac files leave some "residue" when accessed with Windows cross-platform. I noticed this years ago when i had to migrate my school's Mac music files/docs/etc. to my Windows machines, and have found these same file remnants in the Fusion program files I've downloaded from here and delete them whenever i do find them with no problem. But still a little wary of trying these transfers with Android ro Linux.
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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by hadley »

Jokeyman123 wrote: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:55 pm And Hadley. I did not think the fusion's USB port could be connected successfully with Android or Linux. Have you connected your Fusion to Linux without a specific driver for it (I know android devices must be "OTG" capable, I have few )? This might offer a new possibility since Linux development, like Python is open source. Have you transferred data in and out of the Fusion through Android or Linux? I discovered that withy a MAC-Mac files leave some "residue" when accessed with Windows cross-platform. I noticed this years ago when i had to migrate my school's Mac music files/docs/etc. to my Windows machines, and have found these same file remnants in the Fusion program files I've downloaded from here and delete them whenever i do find them with no problem. But still a little wary of trying these transfers with Android ro Linux.
It's strange that you would ask these questions, when I've already said the Fusion is a standard USB Mass Storage device.

The USB specification is available online and of course the developers of Android and Linux have implemented it.

https://www.usb.org/sites/default/files ... 9-2010.pdf
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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by Jokeyman123 »

Not so strange-no need to get your back up, I'm just asking for verification from you. I'm not new to this game, I know what the USB spec is. Let's not start a flaming war over this, i just like to be sure I have my facts straight, and i asked you for reassurance that this was correct as you sounded like you had more experience with alternate operating systems -other than Windows-and the Fusion than I did. Don't worry I won't ask again.
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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by hadley »

Ok well .... it works on all operating systems that support USB Mass Storage, which is pretty standard. Didn't mean to offend you - sorry about that.
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Re: Hidden sounds beyond P8?

Post by Jokeyman123 »

I never wrapped my head around the alliance software, it looks like a pretty powerful development, might bear a second look, I have the parts of it in stalled here on my laptops. Normally what I have been doing-in order to preserve all the folder, file structures on what I already have-which is huge- use the store function to copy a n existing program to one of my user created banks in order to have all my similar instruments in their own bank consecutively, rather than shifting through several banks for say all the ep's, organs, etc. This way I don't disrupt the existing structure of a sound program and its samples (if it uses samples).

Preset bank 5 extends itself beyond the usual 128 programs limit-like the MovinPro collection-there are several more drumkits (not so great IMO) and several other interesting and different sounds in that bank beyond 128. Never noticed until recently-I hadn't bothered to look! I also never bothered since the other factory banks are not like this. I don't recall finding this extension of sounds in too many other banks. Kind of odd Alesis did this-makes me think this bank was an afterthought hastily put together to counter the criticisms of the existing 4 factory banks-and there are some improvements/variations in bank 5.
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