Not sure if I should be posting this-it is common knowledge, but I don't want to step on professional toes, however, in the huge quest the Alesis Fusion firmware for...possibly....updating the few features that were left languishing...
He is, according to the credits posted within the Fusion's opening credit screen-the firmware developer for the fusion, and apparently, as I've just discovered-still works for InMusic (I think) based on his LinkedIn info. I am a member, but dare I contact him about this? Jesse, parametric, am I just stirring up trouble. I certainly am trying to......since (IMO) the fusion would still be running with the best of the other big boys had Alesis continued to support it, it certainly would become even more formidable if current owners-and new users-realized that after all these years, here is a unique keyboard workstation that has actually had its firmware updated! after 20 years! Now that would be unique.